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Create Two Back Darts

36aMeasure the distance between marks made at the princess line and divide by two. This will be the individual measurement of each of the two back darts. (Alternative method - make the intake for the dart toward the CB ½ inch total, and fold the remaining excess in the dart closest to the side seam).
37aMeasure and mark the intake of first dart to right of the T mark closest to the CB.
38aFold this first dart along the princess line with excess folded in and towards the center back. Pin with pins perpendicular to the fold line. Do not pin to form.
39aMeasure and mark 1 1/4" from first dart towards the side seam.
40aFold second dart at this mark with remaining excess folded in towards center back. Pin as before.
41aMeasure and mark dart lengths (both at 4-1/2 inches if intakes are equal, otherwise make the smaller dart toward the CB 3 " long and the larger dart toward the side seam 5-1/2" long).